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Archive for December, 2013
A panel appointed by French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault to review France’s integration policies has urged the government to implement a “new form of secularism” that would raise the profile of Islam in public life—in order to improve the integration of Muslim immigrants.
A chronological review of some of the main stories involving the rise of Islam in Britain during 2013.
The majority of Muslims in Europe believe Islamic Sharia law should take precedence over the secular constitutions and laws of their European host countries, according to a new study, which warns that Islamic fundamentalism is widespread and rising sharply in Western Europe.
The primary objective of the OIC—headquartered in Saudi Arabia and funded by dozens of Muslim countries that systematically persecute Christians and Jews—has long been to pressure Western countries into passing laws that would ban “negative stereotyping of Islam.”
Government prosecutors presented the jury with a trove of incriminating evidence that provide chilling insights into Islamic jihad and the mindset of radical Muslims.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has opened a landmark hearing to consider the legality of France’s ban on wearing Islamic veils in public spaces.