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Irish voters said “No” to the superpower ambitions of European political elites, who want all 27 member-states of the European Union to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, which would turn the EU into a bureaucratic superstate.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he will decide by late 2008 or early 2009 whether France will fully rejoin the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The recent NATO Summit in Romania showed why there is trouble ahead for transatlantic relations—no matter who occupies the White House next January.
The outcome of the US presidential election will affect the lives of millions of people around the world. So it’s probably not surprising that many Europeans are resentful that only Americans will have a say in it.
How can America improve its image abroad? Answers to this question are being bandied by all of the presidential hopefuls.
European Union leaders have reached agreement on a new treaty that many Europeans hope will transform the 27-nation bloc into a superpower capable of counter-balancing the United States in global affairs.
Europeans are hoping a new European Union treaty will help raise their profile in international affairs. This is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
La fuerza de paz de la ONU liderada por Europa en el Líbano, conocida como UNIFIL, es la prueba concluyente, si alguna era necesaria, de porque es poco probable que Europa vaya a ser una superpotencia global.
The European-led United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL is proof positive, if any were needed, of why Europe is unlikely to ever be a global superpower.
A los europeos les gusta mofarse de la sobresaliente manifestación de la religión en la sociedad americana. Pero no reirán por mucho tiempo.
El primer ministro español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero merece un premio especial para la audaz transatlántica. Durante su reciente visita a México, él terminó la cena celebrada en su honor brindando al presidente mexicano Felipe Calderón con un ejemplo clásico del pontificado pos-moderno por el cual los izquierdistas españoles son tan famosos: “No hay pared […]
Europäer lieben es, sich über die herausragende Rolle der Religion in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft lustig zu machen. Aber sie werden nicht mehr lange lachen. Es ist eine gut dokumentierte Tatsache, dass die Entchristianisierung Europas im Namen der “Toleranz” den spirituell haltlosen Kontinent zügig in die Arme des Islam treibt.