Author Archive: Soeren Kern

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Spain’s Immigration Superiority Complex
By August 16, 2007 Read More →

Spain’s Immigration Superiority Complex

Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero deserves a special award for transatlantic chutzpah. During his recent visit to Mexico, he ended the state dinner held in his honor by toasting Mexican President Felipe Calderón with a sterling example of the post-modern pontification for which Spanish leftists are so famous: “There is no wall that […]

Posted in: Islam in Europe, Spain, Spain
La política exterior española choca contra las rocas cubanas
By August 14, 2007 Read More →

La política exterior española choca contra las rocas cubanas

El primer ministro español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y sus principales asesores políticos de imagen han estado especialmente ocupados este verano. De hecho, han estado haciendo desesperadas rondas por las diversas cadenas de televisión nacional, intentando explicar a un público español cada vez más escéptico, por qué la política exterior “progresista” del gobierno socialista,que consiente […]

Spanish Foreign Policy Hits Rocks Over Cuba
By July 17, 2007 Read More →

Spanish Foreign Policy Hits Rocks Over Cuba

Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his political spin doctors have been especially busy this summer. Indeed, they have been making furious rounds on the national television talk show circuit, trying to explain to an increasingly skeptical Spanish public just why the Socialist government’s “progressive” foreign policy of coddling third world despots has […]

Spain’s Counter-Terrorism Policy Under Challenge by Al-Qaeda and ETA
By July 6, 2007 Read More →

Spain’s Counter-Terrorism Policy Under Challenge by Al-Qaeda and ETA

The Basque separatist group ETA said that it would end a 15-month cease-fire and resume its terrorist campaign “on all fronts to defend the Basque homeland.”

Spain’s Feminized War on Terror Goes Awry
By April 22, 2007 Read More →

Spain’s Feminized War on Terror Goes Awry

The anti-terrrorism policies of Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero are making Spain more—not less—vulnerable to terrorism.

Why Russia Fears Transatlantic Missile Defense
By March 28, 2007 Read More →

Why Russia Fears Transatlantic Missile Defense

Poland and the Czech Republic are considering an American request to base elements of an anti-missile defense system on their territory.

Why Europe Won’t Be Running the 21st Century
By February 26, 2007 Read More →

Why Europe Won’t Be Running the 21st Century

Is Europe really destined to become a global superpower? A growing body of research says no.

Posted in: Europe, Geopolitics
ETA: The Beginning of the End?
By January 25, 2007 Read More →

ETA: The Beginning of the End?

The car bomb set off by the Basque separatist group ETA has produced a profound split within Spain’s political establishment: those on the left remain open to the idea of re-establishing dialogue with ETA; those on the right believe that ETA must be forced into an unconditional surrender. The main beneficiary of this divide has […]

Who Will Become US President in 2008?
By January 11, 2007 Read More →

Who Will Become US President in 2008?

Two years before America elects its next president, no fewer than two dozen men (and one woman) from both major political parties say they are running or thinking of running for the top spot.

¿Quién será presidente de Estados Unidos en 2008?
By January 11, 2007 Read More →

¿Quién será presidente de Estados Unidos en 2008?

Unos dos años antes de que Estados Unidos elija a su próximo presidente, no menos de dos docenas de hombres (y una mujer) de los dos grandes partidos políticos dicen que presentan su candidatura o que están pensando presentarla y alcanzar la cima.

If Demographics is Destiny, Europe Won’t Be Running the 21st Century
By November 6, 2006 Read More →

If Demographics is Destiny, Europe Won’t Be Running the 21st Century

The population of the United States officially passed the 300 million mark in October 2006. The United States is now the third most populous nation in the world, behind China and India. Moreover, the United States is growing faster than any other industrialised country. All analysts agree that America’s demographic dynamism will have enormous geopolitical […]

Si la demografía es el destino, Europa no liderará en el siglo XXI
By November 6, 2006 Read More →

Si la demografía es el destino, Europa no liderará en el siglo XXI

La población de Estados Unidos oficialmente pasó el umbral de los 300 millones en octubre de 2006. Estados Unidos es ahora la tercera nación más populosa del mundo, después de China e India. Además, Estados Unidos está creciendo más rápido que cualquier otro país industrializado… en realidad, es prácticamente la única nación desarrollada con expectativas […]