Austria: Muslims Outnumber Catholics in Vienna Schools
Muslim students, according to new statistics, now outnumber Roman Catholic students at middle and secondary schools in Vienna, the capital and largest city of Austria.
Muslim students, according to new statistics, now outnumber Roman Catholic students at middle and secondary schools in Vienna, the capital and largest city of Austria.
Most of the immigrants to the UK from the EU were from economically troubled countries, including Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain. Most of those arriving from non-EU countries were immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The latest immigration data has been met with criticism from across the political spectrum.
The number of Muslim convicts in British prisons has surpassed the 11,000 mark for the first time, according to data included in a new report produced by the British Parliament.
Islam is on track to become the dominant religion in Britain within the next generation, according to new census data published by the British government.
The population of the United States officially passed the 300 million mark in October 2006. The United States is now the third most populous nation in the world, behind China and India. Moreover, the United States is growing faster than any other industrialised country. All analysts agree that America’s demographic dynamism will have enormous geopolitical […]
La población de Estados Unidos oficialmente pasó el umbral de los 300 millones en octubre de 2006. Estados Unidos es ahora la tercera nación más populosa del mundo, después de China e India. Además, Estados Unidos está creciendo más rápido que cualquier otro país industrializado… en realidad, es prácticamente la única nación desarrollada con expectativas […]