Why France Wants to Rejoin NATO
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he will decide by late 2008 or early 2009 whether France will fully rejoin the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he will decide by late 2008 or early 2009 whether France will fully rejoin the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The recent NATO Summit in Romania showed why there is trouble ahead for transatlantic relations—no matter who occupies the White House next January.
How can America improve its image abroad? Answers to this question are being bandied by all of the presidential hopefuls.
European Union leaders have reached agreement on a new treaty that many Europeans hope will transform the 27-nation bloc into a superpower capable of counter-balancing the United States in global affairs.
Europeans are hoping a new European Union treaty will help raise their profile in international affairs. This is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
Poland and the Czech Republic are considering an American request to base elements of an anti-missile defense system on their territory.
La población de Estados Unidos oficialmente pasó el umbral de los 300 millones en octubre de 2006. Estados Unidos es ahora la tercera nación más populosa del mundo, después de China e India. Además, Estados Unidos está creciendo más rápido que cualquier otro país industrializado… en realidad, es prácticamente la única nación desarrollada con expectativas […]
El ascenso de Angela Merkel como la nueva canciller alemana reestablecerá así un sano equilibrio en Europa, de enfoque atlantista.
US President George W Bush met with the new German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House on 13 January. The meeting paved the way for an easing of tensions between Germany and the United States after three years of friction.
En noviembre de 2004, George W. Bush se convirtió en el primer presidente republicano en más de 100 años en ser reelegido con mayoría tanto en el Congreso como en el Senado.
In November 2004, George W. Bush became the first Republican president in more than 100 years to be re-elected with majorities in both the House and the Senate.