Media Citations
Selected Broadcast Media — Television and Radio
Selected Print Media — Books, Newspapers and Scholarly Citations
Selected Broadcast Media — Television and Radio
Soeren Kern on the Riots in France, American Thought Leaders, Epoch Times, July 12, 2023
A Brief History of Antifa, The Mark Levin Show, Fox News, August 4, 2020
President-elect Trump and the Refugee Crisis, Defcon 3, Interview with KT McFarland, Fox News, November 21, 2016
Is Europe’s Plan to Handle Refugees a ‘Political Charade’?, Defcon 3, Interview with KT McFarland, Fox News, February 1, 2016
Germany’s Refugee Policy Faces Sharp Criticism, The Kelly File, Interview with Megyn Kelly, Fox News Television, January 7, 2016
Inside Look at the Rise of Europe’s Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones, Interview with James Rosen, Special Report with Bret Baier, Fox News Television, Washington, DC, January 12, 2015
Islam in France, This Morning with Ray Dunaway, CBS, WTIC Radio, Farmington, Connecticut, January 12, 2015
Islam in France: The Reckoning, The John Batchelor Show, WABC Radio, New York, NY, January 10, 2015
European Multiculturalism, The Kelly File, Interview with Megyn Kelly, Fox News Television, January 9, 2015
Selected Print Media — Books, Newspapers and Scholarly Citations
The Routledge Handbook of Global Islam and Consumer Culture, Birgit Krawietz and François Gauthier, editors, Routledge, New York, NY, September 16, 2024
The Function of the Media in Representing the Strategy of Jihadist Groups in the Middle East Region, Rahman Hariri and Mohammad Abolfathi, International Journal of Arts and Social Science, Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2024
International Human Rights, International Legal Developments, Volume 54, Southern Methodist University, February 2024
The Practice of Dissimulation (Taqiyya): Between Islamophobia and Sectarianism, Media Language on Islam and Muslims, Palgrave Macmillan, October 7, 2023
“A Privilege That Cannot Be Bought”: Jews of Turkey and Citizenship Restitution from Portugal and Spain, Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Cambridge University Press, October 18, 2022
We Are All Republicans: Political Articulation and the Production of Nationhood in France’s Face Veil Debate, Emily Laxer, Comparitive Studies in Society and History, Volume 60, Issue, 4, Cambridge University Press, October 1, 2018
Retreating From Vinter in Europe: Sacrificing Whole Life Prisoners To Save the Strasbourg Court?, Mark Pettigrew, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 260-277, Leeds, England, July 20, 2017
Migration, Terrorism, and the Future of a Divided Europe: A Continent Transformed, Christopher Deliso, Praeger Security International, Westport, CT, May 18, 2017
German Lesson: Islamist Enclaves Breed Jihadism, Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, December 22, 2016
Spanish Public Schools to “Inculcate” Children of Muslim Parents with “Islamic Worldview”, National Secular Society, London, England, April 7, 2016
Muslim Ghettos in Europe Are Breeding Grounds for Terror, Jamie Schram and Bob Fredericks, New York Post, March 22, 2016
France Cracks Down on Islamic Radicalism Since Paris Attacks, Shutters Mosques, Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times, January 28, 2016
The Cologne Portent, Bret Stephens, The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2016
What Real Rape Culture Looks Like, Katie Pavlich, The Hill, January 11, 2016
Las violaciones comenzaron antes de Nochevieja en los albergues de refugiados de Alemania, ABC, Madrid, Spain, January 8, 2016
Tedeschi e svizzeri ora si armano Tutta colpa di terrorismo e migranti, Bergamo Post, January 4, 2016
Obama, Merkel are in Denial About Threat Posed by Muslim Refugees, Cal Thomas, Fox News, December 1, 2015
On Being Muslim in America, Editorial Board, The Chicago Tribune, November 16, 2015
A Tale of Two Cities: Whole of Life Prison Sentences in Strasbourg and Westminster, Mark Pettigrew, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Justice, July 22, 2015
El ‘Irangate’ español, El Mundo, Madrid, Spain, July 19, 2015
Jihad and Counter-Jihad in Germany, Jyotirmoy Banerjee, Jadavpur Journal of International Relations, Volume 18, Issue 2, Kolkata, India, May 11, 2015
‘Islamist Extremists,’ Phrase Rejected by Obama, Embraced by Allies, Washington Times, Washington, DC, March 25, 2015
ISIS Exposed, Erick Stakelbeck, Regnery Publishing, March 9, 2015
What Bobby Jindal Gets About Islam, Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, January 24, 2015
France’s Alienated Muslims, The Week, London, England, January 24, 2015
Spain’s War on Terrorism, Illegal Immigration in Spotlight Amid Paris Shooting Suspects Probe, International Business Times, New York, NY, January 20, 2015
What is Salafism and Should We Be Worried by It?, The Week, London, England, January 19, 2015
Obama Doesn’t Get Islamic Terrorism, RealClearPolitics, Jack Kelly, January 18, 2015
Paris Attacks Prompt Fears France’s Muslim ‘No-Go’ Zones Incubating Jihad, Fox News, Washington, DC, January 12, 2015
Islamic Ideology Driving Terrorists to Kill, Egypt’s President Tells Clerics, Washington Times, Washington, DC, January 11, 2015
ABC Must Confront the Inconvenient Truth about Islamic Terrorism, The Australian, Sydney, January 10, 2015
Salafism Spreads as Europe Fiddles, New York Daily News, New York, NY, January 9, 2015
Charlie Hebdo: l’attacco degli sciacalli islamofobi e la segregazione delle minoranze arabe, International Business Times Italia, January 8, 2015
Muslims Segregated from French Society in Growing Islamist Mini-States, Washington Times, Washington, DC, January 7, 2015
I tedeschi insorgono contro l’islamizzazione, L’Opinione, Rome, Italy, December 18, 2014
Eurojihad: Patterns of Islamist Radicalization and Terrorism in Europe, Angel Rabasa and Cheryl Benard, Cambridge University Press, October 27, 2014
Mesíc v muslimské Británii – protikrest’anská diskriminace a násilí na ženách, ParlamentníListy, Prague, Czech Republic, July 7, 2014
An Introduction to Biblical Ethics: Walking in the Way of Wisdom, Robertson McQuilkin and Paul Copan, IVP Academic, June 5, 2014
Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives, Zbigniew Rau and Marek Tracz-Tryniecki, Editors, University Press of America (Rowman & Littlefield), Lanham, MD, April 1, 2014
The Lost Spring: US Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid, Walid Phares, Palgrave Macmillan Trade, March 18, 2014
The World Almanac of Islamism: 2014, American Foreign Policy Council, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, January 30, 2014
Tolerating Intolerance: The Price of Protecting Extremism, Amos N Guiora, Oxford University Press, January 17, 2014
Religion in Secular Education: What, in Heaven’s Name, Are We Teaching Our Children? Cathy Byrne, Brill Academic, Leiden, The Netherlands, January 9, 2014
France: The Looming Battle Over Muslim Integration, The Jewish Press, Brooklyn, NY, January 1, 2014
Dealing With European Foreign Fighters in Syria: Governance Challenges and Legal Implications, International Center for Counter-Terrorism, The Hague, December 13, 2013
Sixth OIC Observatory Report on Islamophobia: October 2012-September 2013, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, December 9, 2013
Compromise Puts Israel on Course to Join Europe’s Science Program, Chemistry World, Cambridge, England, December 2, 2013
Christianity, Islam and Atheism, Ignatius Press, San Fancisco, CA, November 2013
UK Child Brides Victims of ‘Cultural Sensitivity’, Algemeiner, New York, NY, November 25, 2013
“Islamophobie”: La loi que va promulguer l’UE, Les Observateurs, Geneva, Switzerland, November 5, 2013
Italia, Jihad e immigrazione, L’Occidentale, Rome, Italy, November 4, 2013
Europäische Union Will “Intolerante Bürger” Überwachen,, Hemer, Germany, November 3, 2013
EU Unveils Crackdown on Free Speech, FrontPage Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, October 29, 2013
Alhamdulillah, Islam Diakui di Hamburg Jerman, Republika Online, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 28, 2013
Analysts Implicate Anti-Semitism In European Diplomatic Policy, The Tower, Washington, DC, October 1, 2013
Israel Seeks to Lever $110 Billion Joint Research Initiative Against EU Sanction Drive, Algemeiner, New York, NY, September 29, 2013
Secularism in Retreat in France, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, August 31, 2013
Spain’s New “Fornicators”, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, August 22, 2013
Muslims Use Schools to Secure Foothold in Europe, Jerome Corsi, WorldNetDaily, August 17, 2013
What the He!! Is Going On in England?, National Review, Washington, DC, July 18, 2013
The Brotherhood: America’s Next Great Enemy, Erick Stakelbeck, Regnery Publishing, Washington, DC, July 15, 2013
Britain’s “Rape Jihad” Crisis, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, July 13, 2013
Italian Jihadists Return from Syria, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, July 10, 2013
The Permanence of Inconsistency: Libya, the Security Council, and the Responsibility to Protect, Aidan Hehir, International Security, Cambridge, MA, July 1, 2013
Islamic Supremacy Rears its Head in Spain, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, June 22, 2013
Cataluña, imán del salafismo, La Razón, Madrid, Spain, June 2, 2013
Europe’s Tolerance Tested by Islam, United Press International (UPI), Washington, DC, May 28, 2013
Islam’s Parallel Emirate in the UK, National Review, Washington, DC, May 25, 2013
Swedish Multiculturalism Goes Awry, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, May 24, 2013
France’s Growing Islamist Problem, FrontPage Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, May 21, 2013
Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, Raymond Ibrahim, Regnery Publishing, Washington, DC, April 29, 2013
Hundreds of European Muslims Fighting Assad, The Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, April 25, 2013
Allah Made me Do It, FrontPage Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, April 24, 2013
Allah Finds a Home in a German Cathedral, Israel National News, March 27, 2013
Europe’s Latest Export: Jihadists, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, March 24, 2013
Securitization of Property Squatting in Europe, Mary Manjikian, Routledge Research in Urban Politics and Policy, Oxford, England, March 22, 2013
The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent: An Informed Response to Islam’s War with Christianity, Irwin Lutzer, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, February 1, 2013
The “Arab Spring” in French Foreign Policy, Miron Lakomy, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3-4, Prague, Czech Republic, November 1, 2012
The Transatlantic Century: Europe and America, 1890-2010 (New Approaches to European History, Book 46), Cambridge University Press, October 11, 2012
And Then They Came for the Meter Maids, National Review, Washington, DC, September 11, 2012
Britain Ruled by Political Correctness, FrontPage Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, July 13, 2012
Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamic Terrorist Network, Edited by Sarah N. Stern, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, England, June 19, 2012
Cowards: What Politicians, Radicals and the Media Refuse to Say, Glenn Beck, Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, June 12, 2012
Sorpresa: la sinistra europea vince con i voti dei musulmani, L’Occidentale, Rome, Italy, June 1, 2012
Marked for Death: Islam’s War Against the West and Me, Geert Wilders, Regnery Publishing, Washington, DC, May 1, 2012
Presto Bruxelles sarà islamica e Amnesty che fa? L’Occidentale, Rome, Italy, April 26, 2012
Imposition of Sharia on Civil Society, Islamism in the News, Islamist Watch, Philadelphia, PA, April 26, 2012
Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Domestic and International Influences on State Behavior, Ryan K Beasley, Juliet Kaarbo and Jeffrey S Lantis, Editors, Congressional Quarterly Press, Washington, DC, April 25, 2012
Grossbritanien auf dem Weg zur Islamizierung, Deutschland Woche, Düsseldorf, Germany, April 25, 2012
Understanding Arabs: A Contemporary Guide to Arab Society, Fifth Edition, Margaret Nydell, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, Boston, MA, April 16, 2012
Battle for our Minds: Western Elites and the Terror Threat, Michael Widlanski, Threshold Editions, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, March 6, 2012
The Rise and Fall of Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón, The Weekly Standard, Washington, DC, February 17, 2012
Why Jews Need Israel, FrontPage Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, February 1, 2012
Islam di casa in Europa Nelle chiese senza fedeli ora si fanno le moschee, Il Giornale, Milan, Italy, January 22, 2012
West Must Wake up to Islamist Threat, Washington Examiner, Washington, DC, January 19, 2012
Has Spain Turned to the Right? Capital, Athens, Athens, Greece, November 22, 2011
Has Spain Turned to the Right? Bloomberg, New York, NY, November 21, 2011
New Battlefields/Old Laws: Critical Debates on Asymmetric Warfare, Edited by William C Banks, Columbia University Press, New York, NY, November 11, 2011
World Almanac of Islamism, American Foreign Policy Council, Washington, DC, October 27, 2011
Britons Demand Immigration Restrictions, The New American, Washington, DC, October 22, 2011
No We Can’t: Radical Islam, Militant Secularism and the Myth of Coexistence, Robert Stearns, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids, MI, October 1, 2011
Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Ruled by Others?, John Fonte, Encounter Books, New York, NY, September 6, 2011
Losing Malmo: And Brussels, and Rome, and Amsterdam…, National Review, Washington, DC, August 27, 2011
Liberal Intellectuals Frightened of Confronting Islam’s Honor-Shame Culture, London Telegraph, August 17, 2011
Europe’s War Against Ratings Agencies Escalates, Atlantic Council, Washington, DC, August 8, 2011
Islamophilia and Judeophobia, FrontPage Magazine, Los Angeles, CA, August 2, 2011
Regional Powers and Regional Orders, Nadine Godehardt and Dirk Nabers, Editors, Routledge/GARNET Series: Europe in the World, New York, NY, June 9, 2011
Islam Grows in Europe. Arutz Sheva. Jerusalem. January 23, 2011
Spain’s Muslim Problem and Britain’s Too. New York Post. December 23, 2010
The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Security. Jussi Hanhimäki, Georges-Henri Soutou and Basil Germond, Editors. Routledge Handbooks. Taylor & Francis Group. Oxford, England. July 30, 2010
Obama’s First Year: The View from Europe. Human Events. Washington, DC. January 22, 2010
A Plethora of ‘Suitable Enemies’: British Racism at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol 32, No 9. Routledge. New York, NY. November 2009
Europe’s Obama Fatigue. Foreign Policy. Washington, DC. October 29, 2009
The EU in the Global Political Economy. Edited by Finn Laursen and Peter Lang. International Academic Publishers. Bern, Switzerland. September 15, 2009
And NATO not ESDP Will be the Real Winner. Europe’s World. Brussels, Belgium. August 2009
Zapatero en la Casa Blanca. Estrella Digital. Madrid, Spain. October 14, 2009
Obama llega al rescate de Zapatero. Público. Madrid, Spain. October 12, 2009
Spagna: Zapatero contestato durante una parata militare, L’Occidentale, Rome, Italy, October 12, 2009
Zapatero a los pies de Obama en la Casa Blanca, Semanario Atlántico, Madrid, Spain, October 12, 2009
Zapatero abandona España hecha trizas para hacerse una foto con Obama, El Economista, Madrid, Spain, October 11, 2009
Mr Zapatero Goes to Washington, RealClearWorld, Chicago, IL, October 10, 2009
Revista de Prensa, Palacio de la Moncloa, Madrid, Spain, October 9, 2009
Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Faith-Based Perspectives, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security of the Committee of the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session, Washington, DC, October 8, 2009
La Nouvelle Question Nationale Européenne, L’Action Nationale, Québec, Canada, September 2009
The Art of Declaring Victory and Going Home, Small Wars Journal, Washington, DC, September 18, 2009
Anti-Americanism Resumes in Europe, Despite Obama, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, August 7, 2009
ETA Resurgent on 50th Anniversary as Women Come to the Fore, London Telegraph, London, August 2, 2009
Hunt for Female Suspects in ETA Bomb Attacks, Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, Australia, August 2, 2009
Terrorism in the West 2008: A Guide to Terrorism Events and Landmark Cases, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Washington, DC, July 29, 2009
As Goes the West, So Goes NATO, Security and Defense Agenda Discussion Paper, Brussels, Belgium, July 1, 2009
The Afghan Labyrinth, Spanish Ministry of Defense, Madrid, Spain, July 1, 2009
For Such a Time as This: The Sino-Russian Axis and Security Challenges for Transatlantic Relations, Institut für Strategie- Politik- Sicherheits- und Wirtschaftsberatung (ISPSW), Berlin, Germany, June 2, 2009
Credit Crisis: How Did We Miss It?, British Journalism Review, Vol 20, No 1 (pps 19-26), 2009
Kampen om en sikkerhedspolitisk dagsorden i Europa, Dagbladet Information, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 25, 2009
Poland, Spain and ESDP, Swedish Defense Research Agency, Division of Defense Analysis, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2009
EEUU: Radiografía Postelectoral, Alberto Acereda, Cuadernos de Pensamiento Político, Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES), Madrid, Spain, March 2009
As the curtain of self-censorship descends on Europe…, Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Canada, March 25, 2009
El puzle de seguridad latinoamericano a principios del siglo XXI, Documentos CIDOB América Latina 28, Barcelona, Spain, February 2009
Gaza Violence Creating Rift, Layalina Review on Public Diplomacy and Arab Media, Vol V, No 3, Washington, DC, January 16-29, 2009
Generation Games: Basque Separatists Fight for Ascendancy, Jane’s Intelligence Review, London, January 13, 2009
The European Policy on the Management of Migration Flows and Serbia’s Role Within It, Biljana Dordevic, Western Balkans Security Observer, No 12, January-March 2009
El Estatuto Jurídico de la Fuerzas Armadas Españolas en el Exterior, Diego J. Liñán Nogueras, Plaza y Valdez Editores, Madrid, Spain, January 1, 2009
Defeating Eurabia, Fjordman,, Raleigh, NC, November 27, 2008
Robinetul imigrantilor, Cronica Romana, Bucharest, Romania, October 24, 2008
Does the World Hate the US? Greenhaven Press, Gale Cengage, Farmington Hills, MI, October 2008
McCain versus Spain, The Week, New York, NY, September 19, 2008
Anti-Americanism in Europe Fueled by Ignorance, RealClearPolitics—Best of the Blogs, Chicago, IL, September 15, 2008
Komentár: Zruinuje Zapatero Španielsko?, Aktuality, Bratislava, Slovakia, August 2, 2008
Energy: A Reinforced Obstacle to Democracy? Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, Belgium, July 15, 2008
Revista de Prensa Internacional, Palacio de la Moncloa, Madrid, Spain, July 8, 2008
De ce au respins irlandezii Tratatul de la Lisabona, Eurosceptic, Bucharest, Romania, June 19, 2008
Bush Trip Highlights Transatlantic Ties as Crucial EU Vote Looms, CNS News, Reston, VA, June 10, 2008
Seen From America: What to Expect from the French Presidency of the European Union, Fondation Robert Shuman, Paris, France, June 9, 2008
Sarkozy au volant de l’Europe, Fondation Robert Shuman, Paris, France, June 9, 2008
Nicolas Sarkozy at the Helm, Brookings Institution, Washington DC, June 1, 2008
La Cumbre de Bucarest: Preparando el 60º aniversario de la OTAN, Ana González Marín, Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior (INCIPE), Madrid, Spain, May 29, 2008
América Latina ante la Segunda Administración Bush: un debate sobre Seguridad, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), San José, Costa Rica, May 2008
European Union and Spain Policy Towards Cuba, in the Context of Castro’s Cession of Power, Joaquín Roy, University of Miami European Union Center, Miami, FL, May 5, 2008
Mittelmaechte in Europa: Bilaterale Beziehungen und aussenpolitischer Handlungspielraum, in Deutschland und Polen: Die europaeische und internazionale Politik, Thomas Jaeger, VS Verlag, May 2008
Sarkozy’s Tradeoff: France Considering NATO Integration, Atlantic Review, Berlin, Germany, April 28, 2008
Europe’s Long Term Geo-Strategic Dilemma, Atlantic Community Global Must Read, Berlin, Germany, April 18, 2008
After Van Gogh: The Geopolitics of the Tsunami Relief Effort in the Netherlands, Geopolitics, Volume 13, Issue 2 (pps 205-31), Routledge, New York, NY, April 2008
Atlantic Outlook, Vol 2, No 2, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, DC, March 21, 2008
The Confrontation: Winning the War Against Future Jihad. Walid Phares. Palgrave Macmillan. New York, NY. March 18, 2008
Spain’s Zapatero Favors Low Profile in Foreign Policy. Deutsche Welle. Berlin, Germany. March 11, 2008
Liliputiak és Gulliver avagy az európai elitek amerikaellenessége. Valóság. Volume 51, No 2. February 2008
Zapatero nos aleja de Europa. ABC. Madrid, Spain. February 5, 2008
Europeans Agog Over Campaign ’08–and Obama. CNS News. Reston, VA. February 5, 2008
Revista de Prensa Internacional. Palacio de la Moncloa. Madrid, Spain. February 4, 2008
Inexistente al Ándalus: De cómo los intelectuales reinventan el Islam, Rosa María Rodríguez Magda, Ediciones Nobel, Oviedo, Spain, February 2008
European Media Dream of President Obama, CBN News, Virginia Beach, VA, January 30, 2008
Anti-Americanism: It’s About American Power, Not Policy, USC Center on Public Diplomacy Press Review, Los Angeles, CA, January 13, 2008
Democracy and Peace in Zimbabwe, EPU Research Paper No 12/08, European University Center for Peace Studies, Stadtschlaining, Austria, 2008
Emerging Asia-Pacific Security Architectures: The Australia-Japan Factor, The 4th Australia and Japan 1.5 Track Security Dialogue, Canberra, Australia, December 10-11, 2007
La influencia de la ideología neoconservadora en la gestion y conducción de la guerra de Irak, Manuel R Torres, Unidad de Investigación sobre Seguridad y Cooperación Internacional, No 15, Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain, October 2007
Europe Split Over Cuba, Budapest Business Journal, Budapest, Hungary, October 25, 2007
Europe Split Over Cuba, CNS News, Reston, VA, October 25, 2007
Why Europe Needs a Hard Power Reality Check, World Security Institute News Roundup, Brussels, Belgium, October 25, 2007
Why Europe Needs a Hard Power Reality Check, Atlantic Community Open Think Tank, Berlin, Germany, October 17, 2007
Christian Leaders Ponder Muslim Scholars’ Appeal for World Peace, CNS News, Reston, VA, October 12, 2007
Transición y democratización en Asia-Pacífico, Montserrat Sanchez Moreno, Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, No 78 (pps 141-58), Barcelona, Spain, October 2007
Dilemma of the United Nations Reform from the Perspective of “Vote of Great Powers”: An Analysis of Law, Politics and Ethics, Li Bo-jun, Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering (Social Science Edition), Vol 17, No 3, Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China, September 2007
Europe Spearheads Drive to End Capital Punishment, CNS News, Reston, VA, September 26, 2007
Poland Goes Against European Tide on Death Penalty, CNS News, Reston, VA, September 26, 2007
Democracy and Legitimacy in Security Council Reform: The Current Debate, Danilo Souza, Institute of International Relations, Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 15, 2007
Zapatero, rebajado, ABC, Madrid, Spain, August 30, 2007
EEUU, renovacion o caducidad del modelo energetico, Global Affairs, Madrid, Spain, June 14, 2007
Vieja Europa, Las Provincias, Madrid, Spain, June 11, 2007
Asia-Pacific Security: US, Australia and Japan and the New Security Triangle, William Tow, Mark Thomson, Yoshinobu Yamamato and Satu Limaye, Editors, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY, May 31, 2007
Sexualidad y Zapaterror, ABC, Madrid, Spain, April 23, 2007
Abe Shinzo’s New Nationalism and the Future of Sino-Japanese Relations, Richard P Cronin, Henry L Stimson Center, Washington DC, January 2007
Hillary Clinton quiere regresar ahora a la Casa Blanca no como consorte, sino convertida en presidenta, ¿podrá? La Prensa, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, January 28, 2007
¿Quién será presidente de Estados Unidos en 2008?, El Diario Exterior, January 27, 2007
Amistades dudosas, La Prensa, Managua, Nicaragua, January 19, 2007
Revista de Prensa Internacional, Palacio de la Moncloa, Madrid, Spain, January 17, 2007
Shades of a Shambles as ETA Terror Fight Splits Spain, International Herald Tribune, Paris, France, January 17, 2007
A los príncipes republicanos: gobernanza y desarrollo desde el republicanismo cívico, Joan Prats i Català, Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, Madrid, Spain, December 2006
La futura crisis de la Economia Mundial, Síntesis Económica No 91, KP&M Estudios Económicos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2006
L’influence canadienne à travers les opérations de paix, 1956 à 2005. Charles Létourneau, Centre d’études des politiques étrangères et de sécurité, Université du Québec à Montréal, Série Mémoires 5, Montreal, Canada, November 2006
If Demographics is Destiny, Europe Won’t Be Running the 21st Century, Marshall Forum Suggested Reading, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington, DC, November 6, 2006
La demanda de petróleo condiciona la politica exterior de Estados Unidos, Cuadernos de Energía, No 14, Deloitte, Madrid, Spain, October 2006
USA: Renewing an Outdated Energy Model, Business Pro Magazine, US Spain Chamber of Commerce, Miami, FL, Fall 2006
Biopetroleo alicantino contra la escalada mundial del crudo, Que! Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, July 24, 2006
Adictos al petróleo, Cuenta y Razón del Pensamiento Actual, No 142, pages 27-43, Madrid, Spain, July 2006
El plan nuclear iraní a la luz del derecho internacional, Ricardo Arrendondo, Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales, No 11, Madrid, Spain, May 2006
La inserción de China en Africa: El juego de las grandes potencias y sus posibles efectos colaterales, Instituto Galego de Análise e Documentación Internacional, Baiona, Spain, April 15, 2006
Pugna por los servicios secretos, La Clave, Madrid, Spain, April 7-13, 2006
Por que Rusia teme la defensa misiles transatlantica, Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais, Lisbon, Portugal, March 26, 2006
Zapatero kaempft mit Terrorfolgen, Handelsblatt, Hamburg, Germany, March 10, 2006
¿Cuáles son los intereses de EEUU en Latinoamérica? Informe Guatemala, No 38, Guatemala City, Guatemala, March 1, 2006
Busy US Base Unsettles Some in Spain, National Public Radio, Washington, DC, February 20, 2006
Antiamericanismo: Mitos y verdades del sentimiento antiamericano en el mundo, Alma Magazine, Golden Beach, FL, November 2005
A New Global Military-Terrorism-Hegemony Social Structure of Accumulation for Long Wave Upswing? Phillip Anthony O’Hara, Global Political Economy Research Unit, Department of Economics, Curtin University, Australia, November 2005
Expertos internacionales debatirán sobre la reforma de los naciones unidas, Universia, Madrid, Spain, October 7, 2005
EEUU-ONU: Una relación patológica de poder, Perspectivas Internacionales, No 2, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Observatorio de Asuntos Internacionales, Cali, Colombia, September-October 2005
60 años de la ONU, Revista D, Semanario de Prensa Libre, No 65, Guatemala City, Guatemala, October 2, 2005
Reforma del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, Loreto Carrasco Albadelejo, Instituto General Gutiérrez Mellado, Madrid, Spain, October 2005
El re-inicio de la historia: La competición trasatlántica por la hegemonia global, Revista Laberinto, No 19, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain, September 2005
ONU: Consejo de seguridad y riesgo de la reforma. Informe Guatemala, No 27, Guatemala City, Guatemala, September 16, 2005
La imposible reforma de la ONU, Diagonal, No 13, Madrid, Spain, September 15-28, 2005
Programa nuclear de Irán, Protagonistas, Punto Radio, Madrid, Spain, August 11, 2005
Programa nuclear de Irán, Diario Directo, Radio Nacional de España, Madrid, Spain, August 10, 2005
Programa nuclear de Irán, Las 8 en Punto, Punto Radio Nacional, Madrid, Spain, August 9, 2005
The EU in the Age of New Terrorism, Ugur Burc Yildiz, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, August 2005
Géopolitiques de l’aide, Défis Sud, No 68, Brussels, Belgium, July/August 2005
¿Dónde están los neocons? Selección de referencias, Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional, México City, Mexico, June 2005
Euro-Atlantic Relations, Anna Karamanou, University of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 2005
¿Realistas vs neoconservadores? Revista CIDOB D’Afers Internacionals, No 69, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005
Un estudio de Elcano ve dificil renovar la Agenda Transatlántica UE-EEUU, como quiere España, Europa Press, May 22, 2005
¿Es importante España para Estados Unidos?, Expansión, Madrid, Spain, May 9, 2005
Pekín envia gestos conciliadores pero reitera errores de Japón, Terra Actualidad, Madrid, Spain, April 20, 2005
Mr Bush, it’s me, Zapatero! Expansión, Madrid, Spain, February 24, 2005
Frostigt mellan USA och Spanien, Sveriges Radio Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden, February 5, 2005
Divided We Stand, Aspenia International, No 25/26, Aspen Institute Italia, Rome, Italy, December 2004
Bush y Kerry miran de lejos de Argentina, La Gaceta, Madrid, Spain, October 17, 2004
Zapatero cree que ganará Kerry, El Mundo, Madrid, Spain, October 9, 2004
Prospects for Nuclear Weapons Proliferation in a Changing Europe, Joseph A Yager, Center for National Security Negotiations, Vol 4, No 1, Washington, DC, 1992
Selected Conferences and Seminars
Crisis: Causas, efectos económicos-sociales y vías de salida. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES)-Institut Catalunya Futur. Barcelona, Spain. May 26, 2009
Where is Obama Headed? An Evaluation of His First 100 Days in Foreign Policy. ¿Adónde va Obama? Una valoración de sus primeros 100 días en política exterior. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. April 16, 2009
Tenth Anniversary of Spain’s Joining the Euro. Décimo aniversario del acceso de España al Euro. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. May 19, 2008
Iraqi Electoral Commission Observer Mission to Spain. Organized by the United Nations Development Program and the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid. March 4-10, 2008
2008 Index of Economic Freedom. Organized by the Heritage Foundation, the Wall Street Journal and the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. March 4, 2008
Reinventing the Welfare State. Reinventar el Estado del Bienestar. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 26, 2008
The New Revolutionary Populism in Latin America. El nuevo populismo revolucionario en América Latina. Keynote speaker: Enrique Krauze. Organized by the Universidad San Pablo-CEU and the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. January 30, 2008
Isaiah Berlin: Un liberal en perspectiva. Organized by the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset and the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. January 28-29, 2008
¿Libertad o coacción? Políticas lingüísticas y nacionalismos en España. Keynote speaker: José María Aznar. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Barcelona, Spain. January 12, 2008
La libertad traicionada: Siete ensayos españoles. Keynote speaker: José María Marco. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. December 19, 2007
Israel’s Current Strategic Environment. La situación estratégica de Israel hoy. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. October 5, 2007
NATO’s New Strategic Concept. Nuevo concepto estratégico de la OTAN. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. September 17, 2007
25th Anniverary of Spain in NATO. XXV aniversario de España en OTAN. Keynote speakers: Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos and Spanish Defense Minister José Antonio Alonso. Organized by the Asociación Atlántica Española and the Ministerio de Defensa. Madrid, Spain. June 11, 2007
A Future for Europe. Un futuro para Europa. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. March 29, 2007
Jornadas en memoria de Milton Friedman. Organized by the Universidad San Pablo-CEU and the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. March 12-13, 2007
The South American Community: Changes and Challenges. La Comunidad Sudamericana: Cambios y Desafíos. Keynote speakers: Former Argentine President Eduardo Duhalde and Former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar. Organized by the Universidad San Pablo-CEU and the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 27, 2007
La ruptura de la tregua y situación del terrorismo de ETA. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 16, 2007
La Europa vulnerable. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 8, 2007
La política Islámica de Arabia Saudí en Europa. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 7, 2007
Europa: el entorno internacional. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 2, 2007
Consequencias de las elecciones al Congreso Norteamericano para la política internacional. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. November 17, 2006
FYR of Macedonia Towards the European Union. Organized by the Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior (INCIPE). Madrid, Spain. November 14, 2006
El terrorismo patrocinado por el estado: ¿Es un fenómeno del pasado o una amenaza actual? Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. November 7, 2006
Global Strategic Panorama. Panorama estratégico internacional. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. July 25, 2006
Perceptions and Policy in Transatlantic Relations. Keynote speaker: Dr Robert Jervis. Sponsored by ENDESA. Madrid, Spain. July 3-5, 2006
Working Lunch with Kurt Volker, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Scott Carpenter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs. Organized by the US Department of State and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. June 1, 2006
The Future of Atlanticism: Islam and the West. El futuro del atlantismo: el Islam y Occidente. Keynote speaker: Former Prime Minister José María Aznar. Organized by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. May 18-19, 2006
New Instruments of International Governance: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives. Transatlantic Foreign Policy Division of Labor and the Case of Iran. Keynote speaker: Mexican President Vicente Fox. Organized by the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, Austria. May 10-12, 2006
US-Spain Bilateral. Organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Real Instituto Elcano. Washington, DC. April 3, 2006
2006 Young Leaders Program. Organized by the US-Spain Council. Madrid, Spain. March 22, 2006
Japanese Diplomacy and the Future of its Relations with Spain and the European Union. Keynote speaker: Japanese Ambassador Ken Shimanouchi. Organized by the Embassy of Japan and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. March 15, 2006
Managing Conflict and Building Peace: The Norwegian Policy for Peace and Reconciliation. Keynote speaker: Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stor. Organized by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. March 13, 2006
New Trends in Defense. Nuevas tendencias en Defensa. Organized by the Fundación para el análisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. March 2, 2006
Reforming the United Nations from the Perspective of Development. Keynote speaker: Kemal Dervis, United Nations Development Program Administrator. Organized by the UNDP and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. March 1, 2006
Elections in Canada with Ambassador Marc Lortie. Organized by the Canadian Embassy and the Casa de América. Madrid, Spain. February 13, 2006
The Relationship Between Sharia and the Rule of Law in Iran. Jointly organized by the Institute of World Affairs and the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE). Madrid, Spain. February 6-8, 2006
NATO Transformation Summit. Organized by the Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior (INCIPE). Madrid, Spain. January 26, 2006
New Challenges of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts. Diplomatic Academy, Madrid, Spain. January 26, 2006
III Seminar Estratégico Hispano-Aleman. Defensa Europea y Relaciones Transatlánticas. Jointly organized by the Spanish Ministry of Defense, the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, and the German Embassy. Madrid, Spain. December 25, 2005
La Constitución europea: ¿y ahora qué? Organized by the Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación and the Asociación Española para el Estudio del Derecho Europea. Madrid, Spain. November 16, 2005
Terrorist Financing: How Can it be Controlled? Permanent Seminar on Terrorism Studies, Fourth Edition. Jointly organized by the Spanish Ministry of Interior, the US Embassy and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. November 14-16, 2005.
The Crisis in Europe from an American Perspective. La crisis europea vista desde los Estados Unidos. Jointly organized by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. October 27, 2005
Iraq After the Constitution: New Horizons and Challenges. Iraq después de la Constitución: Nuevos Horizontes y Desafíos. Organized by Centro Internacional Toledo para la Paz y Fundación Rafael del Pino. Madrid, Spain. October 25-26, 2005
Reforming the United Nations. La reforma de las Naciones Unidas. Organized by La Facultad de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de Huelva. Huelva, Spain. October 20-22, 2005
Working Lunch with US Ambassador Eduardo Aguirre. Organized by the US Embassy and the Real Instituto Elcano. Madrid, Spain. October 19, 2005
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: Assessing the First Decade. Organized by the Real Instituto Elcano, the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), and the British Embassy. Madrid, Spain. October 3, 2005
Spain-Iran Seminar. Iran in the XXI Century: Energy and Security. Organized by the Spanish Ministry of Defense, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Madrid, Spain. October 3, 2005
International Conference on United Nations Reform. Organized by the Institute for Political and International Studies. Tehran, Iran, July 17-18, 2005
2005 Young Leaders Program. Organized by the US-Spain Council. Madrid, Spain. March 5, 2005
Trends in US Policies During the Next Four Years. Tendencias en las políticas de EEUU para los próximos cuatro años. Organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Spain, Casa de América, and the Fundación Consejo España-Estados Unidos. Madrid, Spain. February 28, 2005
Europe and the United States: Comparison and Relations. Europa y Estados Unidos: Comparación y Relaciones. Keynote Speaker: William Pfaff. Organized by Fundación Carolina, Fundación Rafael del Pino and Colegio Libre de Emeritos. Madrid, Spain. February 24-26, 2005
Reforming NATO. La reforma de la OTAN. Fundación para el analisis y los estudios sociales (FAES). Madrid, Spain. February 24, 2005
Will History Continue to Be on Our Side? ¿Sigue la Historia a Nuestro Lado? Keynote speaker: Francis Fukuyama. Organized by Johns Hopkins University and Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU. Madrid, Spain. December 17, 2004