Tag: Middle East

Fear Factor: Lebanon and the European Way of Peacekeeping
By September 16, 2007 Read More →

Fear Factor: Lebanon and the European Way of Peacekeeping

The European-led United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL is proof positive, if any were needed, of why Europe is unlikely to ever be a global superpower.

Posted in: Europe, Geopolitics
¿Puede el multilateralismo poner fin al enfrentamiento nuclear con Irán?
By February 14, 2006 Read More →

¿Puede el multilateralismo poner fin al enfrentamiento nuclear con Irán?

En una sesión de emergencia celebrada el 4 de febrero, del Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) votó remitir el informe sobre la cuestión nuclear iraní al Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.

Can Multilateralism End the Nuclear Standoff with Iran?
By February 6, 2006 Read More →

Can Multilateralism End the Nuclear Standoff with Iran?

Can the often feckless Security Council change Tehran’s behaviour, thereby preventing the need for military action and turning Iran into a showcase example of effective multilateralism?

¿Se dirige Irán hacia un enfrentamiento con Estados Unidos?
By July 26, 2005 Read More →

¿Se dirige Irán hacia un enfrentamiento con Estados Unidos?

La elección de Mahmud Ahmadineyad como nuevo presidente de Irán lo mermará las posibilidades de reconciliación entre Irán y Estados Unidos.

Is Iran Heading Towards a Showdown with the United States?
By July 7, 2005 Read More →

Is Iran Heading Towards a Showdown with the United States?

The election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as Iran’s new president will undermine the chance for reconciliation between Iran and the United States.

¿Bombardeará Estados Unidos a Irán?
By February 14, 2005 Read More →

¿Bombardeará Estados Unidos a Irán?

La Casa Blanca ha indicado que habla en serio sobre su intención de impedir que Irán adquiera armamento nuclear.

Is the United States Going to Bomb Iran?
By January 28, 2005 Read More →

Is the United States Going to Bomb Iran?

A recent flurry of statements by senior US officials indicates that Washington has opted to take a hard-line approach towards Iran. European leaders have been quick to stress the need for diplomacy over military action.