UN Seeks to Brand Israel as Occupier
The United Nations General Assembly recently asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to provide a legal opinion about Israel’s “occupation” of the so-called Palestinian territories.
The United Nations General Assembly recently asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to provide a legal opinion about Israel’s “occupation” of the so-called Palestinian territories.
During its two-year stint on the UN Security Council, Germany voted for dozens of resolutions — many of which smack of anti-Semitism — that singled out Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.
The primary objective of the OIC—headquartered in Saudi Arabia and funded by dozens of Muslim countries that systematically persecute Christians and Jews—has long been to pressure Western countries into passing laws that would ban “negative stereotyping of Islam.”
La fuerza de paz de la ONU liderada por Europa en el Líbano, conocida como UNIFIL, es la prueba concluyente, si alguna era necesaria, de porque es poco probable que Europa vaya a ser una superpotencia global.
The European-led United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon known as UNIFIL is proof positive, if any were needed, of why Europe is unlikely to ever be a global superpower.
Una conferencia internacional de donantes celebrada en Londres ha generado nuevos compromisos sustanciales de ayuda monetaria para Afganistán. La ayuda llega en un momento de inestabilidad e inseguridad en el maltrecho país y de creciente desilusión entre los afganos de a pie a causa de la lentitud de la reconstrucción.
An international donor conference held in London has generated substantial new commitments of aid money for Afghanistan. The support comes amid a volatile security situation in the battered country and growing disillusionment among ordinary Afghans over the slowness of reconstruction.
En una sesión de emergencia celebrada el 4 de febrero, del Organismo Internacional de la Energía Atómica (OIEA) votó remitir el informe sobre la cuestión nuclear iraní al Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.
Can the often feckless Security Council change Tehran’s behaviour, thereby preventing the need for military action and turning Iran into a showcase example of effective multilateralism?
La Cumbre Mundial de septiembre de 2005 no logró hallar la solución al problema central de la ONU: la falta de consenso global sobre el multilateralismo.
The September 2005 World Summit failed to find a solution to the UN’s core problem: the lack of a global consensus on multilateralism.
Tras un decenio de debate informal, ha empezado ya a producirse un debate serio sobre lo que podría conducir a una reforma radical del prestigioso Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.